Root Canals: What You Need To Know

Root Canals: What You Need To Know

Root canals have a bad reputation but know that this procedure is not as scary as you may think it is. The only time you should worry is if you have delayed treating a root canal and your infection has gotten worse. Below we will explore what a root canal is and facts you should know to help you understand this procedure and ease any negative thoughts.

The American Association of Endodontist can reassure you that “Millions of teeth are treated and saved each year with a root canal”. The anatomy of the tooth contains white enamel on the outside followed by a hard layer known as dentin and inside, a soft tissue called the pulp. The soft tissue houses vessels, connective tissue, nerves, and assists in creating harder tissue that surrounds the area during the developmental phase of a tooth. The pulp starts at the crown of the tooth and extends to the root where it connects to other tissue, this where the pulp can get an infection or become inflamed caused by deep decay, a cracked or chipped tooth, or lead to an abscess.

Treatment for a root canal is straightforward with a goal to relieve any pain and save the tooth. The purpose is to remove the inflamed and infected pulp, clean and disinfect the roots, and replacing of the pulp with a filling sealing the space for added protection. The procedure should feel no different to having a cavity filled with a local anesthetic on the surrounding area. The procedure itself should not be painful, although you may feel soreness or more sensitive around the treated area which can then be treated with over-the-counter medication or a prescription.

Unfortunately, root canals cannot be treated with antibiotics, which can be a misunderstanding when talking about infection. You may have heard that treating an infection with antibiotics will help treat your infection, however, in this case, it is very different from an infection elsewhere in the body. Antibiotics are effective when they reach the site of infection through the bloodstream, which is not possible for an infection that lives in the root of a tooth.

Caring for your tooth after this procedure is as important, having a root canal doesn’t protect your tooth from cavities and gum disease. With proper care, your treated tooth should stay healthy as long as the rest of your teeth. Schedule a consultation if you have been told that you may need a root canal, the sooner we walk the faster we get to saving that precious tooth and ease any discomfort you may be experiencing.

Yellow Teeth FAQs

How do I get rid of yellow teeth?

Professional teeth whitening treatments, proper oral hygiene, and avoiding stain-causing foods and drinks can help remove yellow stains.

Why are my teeth yellow even though I brush?

Yellow teeth despite brushing can be due to factors like genetics, aging, diet, smoking, or certain medications. Thin enamel or persistent plaque can also contribute.

Are yellow teeth permanent?

Yellow teeth are not necessarily permanent. Professional whitening treatments and maintaining good oral hygiene can often restore whiteness.

What color are healthy teeth?

Healthy teeth typically range from white to light yellow. The natural shade can vary based on genetics and enamel thickness.

Can teeth turn white again naturally?

Teeth can become whiter naturally with proper oral hygiene, avoiding staining foods, and using whitening toothpaste, but professional treatments are more effective.

How do you rebuild enamel?

Rebuilding enamel involves using fluoride toothpaste, consuming enamel-strengthening foods, and avoiding acidic foods and drinks that erode enamel.

Does vaping stain teeth?

Yes, vaping can stain teeth due to the nicotine and other chemicals present in the vapor, leading to yellow or brown discoloration.

What vitamin deficiency causes yellow teeth?

A deficiency in vitamin D or calcium can affect enamel health, potentially leading to yellowing teeth.

Can yellow teeth be white again?

Yes, yellow teeth can often be whitened with professional treatments, proper oral care, and avoiding staining substances.

Are yellow teeth permanent?

No, yellow teeth are not necessarily permanent. Whitening treatments and good oral hygiene can help restore their natural color.

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