How Much Do Same-Day Crowns Cost?

How Much Do Same-Day Crowns Cost?

Poor oral hygiene can cause several unwanted implications on our teeth. Such practice may weaken our teeth resulting in cracking, decay, or discolor. Dental fillings will no longer suffice at some point, and the only viable option is getting a dental crown.

Traditionally, it will take two to three appointments or even weeks before our Colorado Spring dentists complete the preparation for the crowns. Crossroads Family Dentistry provides a temporary dental crown for our patients to wear during this period.

In some cases, not all patients can afford to wait this long and need to get their crowns done as early as possible. The good news is that dental crowns can be done in just a single day.

Cost of same-day dental crowns

As mentioned, dental crowns treat broken and decaying teeth to give back the best smile patients once had. Our dentists will apply a prosthetic cap that will replicate the look and appearance of natural enamel in the broken tooth.

So how much do same-day dental crowns cost? Same-day crowns generally cost the same as the lab-fabricated crowns we are already producing. The only thing that sets them apart is the convenience it provides patients.

What to expect during your appointment?

Getting a same-day crown is a straightforward process. After the necessary procedures, all our patient has to do is relax while they wait for their crowns.

Here’s what you should expect during your visit to Crossroads Family Dentistry:

  • Expect the dentists to take a digital scan of your broken tooth
  • Cleaning and removal of the decay
  • Preparation of the tooth using a CEREC milling machine
  • Crown fitting and adjustment before cementing

With the continuous adjustment of technology, getting a crown has never been this easy. Gone are the days when patients had to wait and feel self-conscious about their smiles.

Crossroads Family Dentistry has an experienced dentist committed to restoring your confidence and addressing your oral needs.

For additional information on same-day crowns or to schedule an appointment, contact us at (719) 596-3481 or visit our website.

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