Need A Confidence Boost? Just Smile.

Need A Confidence Boost? Just Smile.

Do you know that age-old saying “Smile and the whole world smiles with you”? Well, it’s true, smiles are contagious. If you want to lift your own spirits and those around you, just smile. Never underestimate the power of a healthy smile.

Does Flossing Really Help?

Does Flossing Really Help?

When your dentist asks you if you floss regularly, do you cringe and look away, or say “YES!” emphatically? If you’re not doing it regularly, you’re not alone. US News reports 69% of people either don’t floss daily or never floss.

Why 3D (The Benefits Of 3D X-Rays)

Why 3D (The Benefits Of 3D X-Rays)

3D X-rays sound super high tech, and they are! This technology allows for a better clinical experience for the patient while providing practitioners with a panoramic view of your mouth and head, and the level of detail allows for greater diagnostic accuracy, which means the best dental care for you.

Interviews With An Assistant

Interviews With An Assistant

In honor of Dental Assistants in our office, we decided to interview them! Here is what they want you to know about them.

The Healing Power Of Laughter And A Healthy Smile

The Healing Power Of Laughter And A Healthy Smile

Laughing not only feels good and connects us to those we love but did you know it can have a positive effect on your well-being? Taking care of your smile and making oral hygiene a priority is not only great for you but also improves your overall health.

Happy People Work Harder

Happy People Work Harder

Your mood defines a lot. If you’re in a bad mood, you tend to ruin it for everyone. As an employer, one of the main goals for success shouldn’t be to get more sales; it should be to ensure your employees are happy.

What Is An EDDA?

What Is An EDDA?

If you’re planning to pursue your career in the field of dentistry, but you’re not keen on becoming a dentist, or it’s not your cup of tea. You could consider a career as a dental assistant with expanded functions or an EDDA(expanded dental duties assistant).

Should My Teen Whiten Their Teeth?

Should My Teen Whiten Their Teeth?

Bright, white teeth are an increasingly valued attribute in today’s society. This is perhaps especially true now that teeth whitening products are readily available in a number of different price ranges.

Tips From The Doc. (Dads And Dentistry Advice)

Tips From The Doc. (Dads And Dentistry Advice)

Ensuring that your children have healthy teeth can sometimes seem like an overwhelming task. Between making sure they brush their teeth properly and often enough to taking them back and forth from your dental office in Colorado Springs.

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