A Sweet Approach To Halloween Treats

A Sweet Approach To Halloween Treats

As your Colorado Springs dentist, we encourage parents to approach Halloween as a learning opportunity for the entire family. Candy, chocolate and other treats are part of life.

5 Foods That Can Naturally Whiten Your Teeth

5 Foods That Can Naturally Whiten Your Teeth

If you’re in search of a gentler way to achieve a brighter smile, you’re in luck! There are natural ways to protect your smile and reveal natural whiteness without harsh products.

Overcoming Dental Phobia

Overcoming Dental Phobia

A fear of the dentist is more common than not. Like having a fear of spiders or snakes, being afraid of the dentist is something that most people have always struggled with.

Do You Have Sinus Pressure Or A Toothache?

Do You Have Sinus Pressure Or A Toothache?

When you have sinus pressure or a sinus infection, one of the first symptoms you notice is your teeth or mouth begin to hurt. When most people begin to feel pain in their mouth, they automatically think they have a cavity.

Why Checkups Are Essential

Why Checkups Are Essential

Regular on time health screenings are important because they can help find problems before they get too serious. Whether it is your regular physician, dentist, eye doctor, etc., going to the doctor to get checkups can help prevent serious health scares.

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